
Information pages

The blue "Information" button above contains a drop-down menu of all the various info' pages & functions you can use on this website. Use that drop down menu, or click on the colour bars below to go to the relevant page.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s)Click this button to read a series of the most common questions people can ask about my Bible Cartoon artwork.

Bible Cartoons BlogClick this button to read about my latest discoveries, research, or cartoon illustrations in the Bible Cartoons (BC) Blog.
Blog ArchiveThere is an archive that you can visit to read past blog entries, going back to August 2009.

Aims of Bible CartoonsClick this button to read why I am drawing all these Bible-based cartoons. There is also a list of potential benefits of using the cartoons. Whilst these benefits are “aimed” primarily at church leaders (pastors, vicars, ministers, elders, youth workers, evangelists, etc) they are clearly of interest for every Christian in their outreach & evangelism.

About me... BiographyClick this button to see a photo of me, & to read a short life history!

Statement of BeliefsClick this button to read a brief overview of my Christian beliefs, which are in line with the Fellowship of Independent Evangelical Churches FIEC Statement of Faith. I have also included what’s called “the Roman Road” illustration of seven steps to take if you are seeking to become a Christian. More information about Christianity can be found on the Links page.

Articles & IssuesClick this button to read a series of articles & comments about modern life, Christianity, the Christian church, etc, with a bias towards leadership issues, art & artists, the visual arts, & other things that are of interest.
I aim to show how the Bible Cartoons Project can help all Christians (& those in church leadership in particular) in their own outreach & evangelistic efforts.
This section also contains some famous people’s quotes which I have found interesting & inspiring.

BC EncyclopaediaClick this button to enter the Bible Cartoons Encyclopaedia, which is a collection of my research notes, maps, interesting facts, snippets of information & bits & pieces I’ve discovered whilst researching for the Bible Cartoon Illustrations.

Customer Comments & TestimonialsClick this button to read all the nice things people have to say about me & my artwork!

Customer MapClick this button to see a map of the world that shows the approximate position of Bible Cartoon's customers. We deeply respect our customer's privacy & are committed to keeping it. For this reason place markers only show the approximate location of a customer. No customer names are displayed.

BC Policy DocumentsClick this button to read our policy documents.

Site MapClick this button to see this website’s site map.

Website LinksClick this button to see the various links we have to other websites.

DonateClick this button should you want to donate to the work of Martin and Bible Cartoons.

We will add other Information Pages, Sections & functions in future... watch this space!