Bible Cartoon: Luke 18 - Parable of persistent widow - Scene 02 - Judge (Version 01)

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Bible Book: Luke
Bible Book Code: 4201800201
Scene no: 2 of 4

Bible Reference & Cartoon Description

Luke 18:2-3 (ANIV)
2 He [Jesus] said: “In a certain town there was a judge who neither feared God nor cared about men. 3 And there was a widow in that town who kept coming to him with the plea, ‘Grant me justice against my adversary.’ “


Unspecified I the Bible narrative. I have set the scene in the mid morning.

The sun illuminates this scene (unseen above & to the right), which casts shadows to the left of figures & objects.
Notice the red canopy above the judge’s seat, which is providing some shade for him as he listens to the various cases brought before him.

Sitting on the stone “throne” is the unjust judge. Kneeling before him in dark robes is the widow of Jesus’s parable. There is a guard to the side of the judge (presumably to keep order if things get out of hand!)
There are various people in a queue behind the widow waiting for their turn to seek the council of the judge.
The boy who is looking up at the guard is the woman in pink’s son. She is holding a broken jar or vase, & is looking angrily at a haughty-looking woman in green, who presumably broke it! Their argument over the jar/vase is what has brought them to the judge.
Behind the two women is a tall man with a black eye, with another man (in brown robes) trying to fight with him. Yet another man in dark robes is trying to hold back the man in brown robes! We don’t know what their quarrel is about, but they are seeking the judge’s help in sorting it out!

This is a fictional scene, since it shows one of Jesus’s parables. Nevertheless, I have tried o make it look as realistic as possible, complete with various irate, angry, quarrelsome complainants in a queue before the judge!

I have shown the judge sitting & looking rather bored, with his head in his hand!

Here’s the scene without the figures.
Luke 18 - Parable of persistent widow - Scene 02 - Judge (Version 01) - Background 980x706px col.jpg
Background of Luke 18 – Parable of persistent widow – Scene 02 – Judge (Version 01, 02, 03, 04)

Click on the colour bar below to view/buy this Background:
Background of Luke 18 – Parable of persistent widow – Scene 02 – Judge (Version 01, 02, 03, 04)

We could read the widow’s request as seeking revenge on her adversary, since some Bible translations use the word “against” in her plea to the judge. But a better translation would read “Do me justice against, or vindicate me from, my adversary”, in other words, she had been wronged in some way, & was seeking justice & appropriate resolution for her case. We don’t know who wronged the widow, or what was done to her, just that she was seeking justice.

Here’s the rough pencil sketch I drew for this scene.
Luke 18 - Parable of persistent widow - Scene 02 - Judge (Version 01) Greyscale 980x706px.jpg
Luke 18 – Parable of persistent widow – Scene 02 – Jesus (Version 01) – Greyscale