Bible Cartoon: Acts 13 - Paul’s 1st mission journey - Scene 01 - Sailing for Cyprus

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Bible Book: Acts
Bible Book Code: 4401300401
Scene no: 1 of 1

Bible Reference & Cartoon Description

Acts 13:4 (NLT)
So Barnabas and Saul were sent out by the Holy Spirit. They went down to the seaport of Seleucia and then sailed for the island of Cyprus.


Unspecified in scripture.

This scene is set in the day time, but not at any specific time. There is simple one source lighting (from the sun) from above.

In the left foreground, from left to right are Saul/Paul, John Mark behind them & Barnabas, his uncle, in orange. Verse 5 tells us that John Mark went with Saul/Paul & Barnabas, as their assistant.

Verse 1-3 of this chapter tell us that Saul/Paul & Barnabas were set apart by God the Holy Spirit for a particular work He wanted them to perform. The laying on of hands (in verse 3) was a symbolic act. The roots of this practice can be found in the Old Testament, where it was used to:
1) set someone aside for an office (Numbers 27:23)
2) bless someone (Genesis 48:14), or else
3) to dedicate something to God (Leviticus 1:4).

By laying hands on Saul/Paul & Barnabas the church at Antioch was identifying itself with them & with their mission. No doubt they asked for the Holy Spirit’s help, wisdom & guidance for these 2 men as well.

Here is the scene without the figures in the foreground.
Acts 13 - Paul’s first missionary journey - Scene 01 - Sailing for Cyprus - background 980x706px col.jpg
Background of Acts 13 – Paul’s 1st mission journey – Scene 01 – Sailing for Cyprus

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Background of Acts 13 – Paul’s 1st mission journey – Scene 01 – Sailing for Cyprus

Where is Seleucia?
Seleucia was the seaport of the city of Antioch in Syria (now in modern day Turkey).
Note: there were many towns or cities called Antioch, so “Antioch in Syria” is the term used to describe this particular one.

Seleucia is approximately 302 miles ( 486 km) almost due North of Jerusalem.
Seleucia is approximately 237 miles ( 381 km) almost due North of Nazareth.
Seleucia is approximately 180 miles ( 290 km) almost due North of Damascus, in Syria.

Seleucia is approximately 80 miles ( 129 km) South East of Tarsus, Paul’s home town.
Seleucia is approximately 80 miles ( 129 km) South West of the tip of Cyprus, where Paul & Barnabas were heading.

Paul & Barnabas were in “Antioch in Syria” when they got the call to set out on their first missionary journey. The seaport of Seleucia was about 16 miles (26 km) west of the city.

‘The city’s harbor was one of the main reasons for the city’s existence. It consisted of an outer harbor protected from storms by an artificial mole that extended out from the shore. This outer harbor was connected by a channel to an inner harbor, expanded over the centuries into a huge basin, making it one of the largest in the Mediterranean and a major Roman naval base.’
(Source:, Resources for Bible Students at all levels ——

Bearing this description in mind, you will see that Saul/Paul, Barnabas & John Mark are looking at a ship moored in the inner harbour. On the far side of the inner harbour you can see some other ships & boats. The tall building to the left is a lighthouse, which would have marked the entrance to the inner harbour. Beyond that you can see several ships sailing to & from the outer harbour, on the open sea.