
New Section on BC website for Illustrations

Posted 05 Oct 2011

I have just completed a major new section for the Bible Cartoons website!

If you click the Illustrations button on the menubar, you will see the whole new section, which displays my Gospel Illustrations.

I’ve called them illustrations rather than cartoons, to try to differentiate between the two. For me, the term “Cartoons” will relate to any picture which uses a Bible passage as its source, whereas “Illustrations” are biblically based, but not necessarily related to any particular scripture.

For example, the first 4 illustrations form a series called “the Bridge”, & show the classic Gospel presentation of Man, Sin, Jesus & the Cross, & man reunited with God.

There are also some illustrations I produced for our Easter Facebook advert campaign. Again, these are not related to any particular Bible passage, so I felt I needed a new section to house all these sorts of pictures.

Each Illustration is available for free (at 20dpi) & to purchase at Medium Quality (72dpi for £1 (GBP)) & High Quality (150dpi for £2 GBP)), just like the Cartoons!

Hope you will have a look & let me know what you think… better still, why not buy one of them & help me to promote the Bible Cartoons ministry!?


  1. good thing we have a new section for illustrations

    — บาคาร่า · Apr 4, 08:08 am · #

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