
Moses murders and new favicon!

Posted 03 Oct 2016

Exodus 02 - Moses murders - Scene 02 - Moses kills Egyptian
Exodus 02 – Moses murders – Scene 02 – Moses kills Egyptian

Exodus 02 - Moses murders - Scene 02 - Moses kills Egyptian 980x706px col SIMPLE
Exodus 02 – Moses murders – Scene 02 – Moses kills Egyptian – SIMPLE COLOURING

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Exodus 02 – Moses murders – Scene 02 – Moses kills Egyptian

I have just completed the second scene in a series from Exodus chapter 02, which depicts Moses covering up the body of an Egyptian he murdered. I didn’t want a grizzly scene of Moses throttling the man, or bashing him over the head, so I have chosen to show the scene after the violence, when Moses is trying to cover the body up with sand.

The first picture above is the finished scene, but I thought you might like to see the interim scene between the outline drawing & the finished picture. Here is where I work out which colours & tones I might use.

The other bit of news that I have changed the Bible Cartoons favicon, from a little picture of an artist’s easel to what looks like a ghost, but is, in fact, a pair of my characteristically drawn “Cyclops eyes”!

What’s a favicon?!
It’s the little 16 × 16 pixel drawing that you see when you have a tab open in a web browser, that is associated with a given website.

The Bible Cartoons favicon (a red paint squiggle on a painter’s easel) has been the same ever since the website first came on line, so I thought it needed a change.

It takes a few days for the internet to recognise a favicon change, but I see that the new one is showing up now. What do you think?



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