
The Lord provides everything... even toothbrushes!

Posted 18 Sep 2014

Just discovered this plant in my Bible Cartoons research. It is amazing to me that such a plant could evolve without any divine design – just look at it’s uses, listed below! This plant is so useful & provides medically beneficial properties in buckets – Praise the Lord for his greatness & care for us!

Salvadora persica (scientific name)Acts 02 - Pentecost - Scene 12 - Sharing PB 188x242px dpi col
Arak, Galenia asiatica, Meswak, Peelu, Pīlu, Salvadora indica, or toothbrush tree, mustard tree, mustard bush (Common names)

Salvadora persica has antiurolithiatic properties. *1

Used for centuries as a natural toothbrush, its fibrous branches have been promoted by the World Health Organization (WHO) for oral hygiene use.

Research suggests that it contains a number of medically beneficial properties including abrasives, antiseptics, astringent, detergents, enzyme inhibitors, and fluoride.

antiurolithiatic = properties associated with preventing the formation of calculi in the urinary tract.


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