Bible Cartoon: Nehemiah 03 - Rebuilding Jerusalem's walls - Scene 01 - Eliashib rebuilds the Sheep gate

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Bible Book: Nehemiah
Bible Book Code: 1600300102
Scene no: 1 of 4

Bible Reference & Cartoon Description

Nehemiah 3:1 (ANIV)
Eliashib the high priest and his fellow priests went to work and rebuilt the Sheep Gate. They dedicated it and set its doors in place, building as far as the Tower of the Hundred, which they dedicated, and as far as the Tower of Hananel.


The text doesn’t specify a time of day, so I’ve set it at about mid morning.

Sunlight, coming from high above (East) illuminates the scene.

Eliashib the high priest is the man in yellow robes in the left foreground.
Various other Hebrew men and women, working on restoring the wall and Sheep gate.

The Sheep Gate is the first one usually mentioned in a round up of the various gates of Jerusalem.

The modern walls of Jerusalem are of cut stone, but in Neremiah’s day I suspect the stones used to build the walls would have been rougher.

Eliashib was the high priest at the time of Nehemiah’s wall rebuilding project. Eliashib means “whom God restored”, which is quite an apt name, since the walls of Jerusalem were being restored at the time he was high priest! Incidentally, there are 6 Hebrew men named Eliashib mentioned in the Bible.

Here’s the scene without the figures or sheep, but including the scaffolding.
Nehemiah 03 - Rebuilding Jerusalem’s walls - Scene 01 - Eliashib rebuilds the Sheep gate - Background (with wooden scaffolding) 980x706px col.jpg
Background of Nehemiah 03 – Rebuilding Jerusalem’s walls – Scene 01 – Eliashib rebuilds the Sheep gate (with wooden scaffolding)

Click on the colour bar below to view/buy this Background:
Background of Nehemiah 03 – Rebuilding Jerusalem’s walls – Scene 01 – Eliashib rebuilds the Sheep gate (with wooden scaffolding)

Here’s the scene without the figures, sheep or scaffolding, to show the broken walls of the Sheep gate more clearly.
Nehemiah 03 - Rebuilding Jerusalem’s walls - Scene 01 - Eliashib rebuilds the Sheep gate - Background (without wooden scaffolding) 980x706px col.jpg
Background of Nehemiah 03 – Rebuilding Jerusalem’s walls – Scene 01 – Eliashib rebuilds the Sheep gate (without wooden scaffolding)

Click on the colour bar below to view/buy this Background:
Background of Nehemiah 03 – Rebuilding Jerusalem’s walls – Scene 01 – Eliashib rebuilds the Sheep gate (without wooden scaffolding)

Notice the burned timbers in the partial gate archway – all that remains of the original gates, burned by the Babylonians 70 years earlier.

The Walls of Jerusalem Map - Nehemiah 03 - Scene 01.jpg
Map of the walls and gates of Jerusalem at the time of Nehemiah
The blue dot & arrow on the map shows the position of the viewer & their direction of view in Scene 01 above.

Click on the colour bar below to view/buy this Map (Note – bought map has no watermark):
The Walls of Jerusalem Map - Nehemiah 03 - Blank.jpg
Map of the Walls and Gates of Jerusalem at the time of Nehemiah

Greyscale scene, which helps me to establish light and shade in the finished work.
Nehemiah 03 - Rebuilding Jerusalem’s walls - Scene 01 - Eliashib rebuilds the Sheep gate 980x706px greyscale.jpg
Nehemiah 03 – Rebuilding Jerusalem’s walls – Scene 01 – Eliashib rebuilds the Sheep gate – Background – Greyscale