Bible Cartoon: Mark 04 - Jesus calms a storm - Scene 03 - Jesus sleeps (Dark version)

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Bible Book: Mark
Bible Book Code: 4100403801
Scene no: 3 of 5

Bible Reference & Cartoon Description

Mark 4:38 (NLT)
38 Jesus was sleeping at the back of the boat with his head on a cushion. Frantically they woke him up, shouting, “Teacher, don’t you even care that we are going to drown?”


Verse 35 tells us that it was evening.

The storm clouds are obscuring the evening sun which is low over the lake. A lantern on the mast top also throws light onto the scene below.

Jesus (sleeping in the back of the boat) with various disciples looking terrified.
James (son of Zebedee & brother of John) is cowering beneath a blanket at the bow of the boat. Andrew is deep in prayer on his knees, with eyes closed. John (son of Zebedee & brother of James) is grabbing hold of Matthew (also called Levi) who is hanging on to the side of the boat & who is looking decidedly green! There are three unnamed disciples behind these, one of whom is about to shake Jesus (lying asleep in the stern of the boat.)

There are 2 versions of this scene:
01) This page Mark 04 – Jesus calms storm – Scene 03 – Jesus sleeps (Dark version.) In which the waves are much darker blue, which shows the scene occurs at night.

02) Next page Mark 04 – Jesus calms storm – Scene 03 – Jesus sleeps (Light version.) In which the waves are lighter in tone, to help then show up better on screen for customers wishing to projection or print this scene.

I tend to show Matthew/Levi looking green from seasickness in these boating scenes on the lake!