Bible Cartoon: Luke 16 - Rich man and Lazarus - Scene 02 - Poverty (Blue version)

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Bible Book: Luke
Bible Book Code: 4201602002
Scene no: 2 of 8

Bible Reference & Cartoon Description

Luke 16:20-21 (NLT)
[Jesus said] 20 “At his gate lay a poor man named Lazarus who was covered with sores. 21 As Lazarus lay there longing for scraps from the rich man’s table, the dogs would come and lick his open sores.”



Sunlight is coming down onto the gate scene from the top right, highlighting the right hand side of objects & casting shadows to the left.

Lazarus & 2 dogs.
Notice also the grey mouse at the bottom right, peering out of a crack in the gate wall.
There is also a blue bird asleep in its nest in the wall, in the top right hand corner of the scene.

There are three versions of this scene:
01) (Previous page) Luke 16 – Rich man and Lazarus – Scene 02 – Poverty (Colour version). The Colour version is a lighter variation, without the much darker purple blue shadow overlay across the stones of the gateway. The orange/brown wood of the gate is also brighter & the ironwork of the gate is lighter in this version. The result is a more colourful rendering of the background elements (stone wall & gate) of this scene than in the Blue version.

02) (This page) Luke 16 – Rich man and Lazarus – Scene 02 – Poverty (Blue version). The Blue version has a darker purple blue shadow overlay across the wall stones in the background. There is also a subtle “deadening” of the orange brown wood & grey/black metalwork of the gate. The intention is to give a more sombre atmosphere to the scene, representing the suffering of poor Lazarus. I have still provided a highlight to the right hand edges of Lazarus, the dogs, & the other objects in the scene.

03) (Next page) Luke 16 – Rich man and Lazarus – Scene 02 – Poverty (Pale version). The Pale version has a limestone yellow overlay across the wall stones in the background. There is also a subtle “deadening” of the orange brown wood & grey/black metalwork of the gate. Lazarus also has a plum coloured outer robe, which is designed to contrast more highly with the background wall colour than in the other two versions of this scene.

I have shown Lazarus in rags, sitting on his mat. Notice the patch on his outer robe sleeve.
The sores mentioned in the Bible text above can be clearly seen on his skin. I have drawn two dogs with Lazarus, one of which is licking his sores, as per the text. I have imagined the dogs being friendly towards Lazarus, perhaps they are his only companions?
I wanted to depict an ornate, expensive looking gate into the rich man’s house, hence the detailed ironwork on the hinges & bindings. I have also elected to show rich orange/browns in the woodwork, perhaps the gate is made of some rare, expensive wood too?!

The shrub or tree to the right of the scene is a Common Fig tree (Ficus carica).

Here’s the scene without the figure or dogs.
Luke 16 - Rich man and Lazarus - Scene 02 - Poverty (Blue version) - Background 980x706px col.jpg
Background of Luke 16 – Rich man and Lazarus – Scene 02 – Poverty (Blue version)

Click on the colour bar below to view/buy this Background:
Background of Luke 16 – Rich man and Lazarus – Scene 02 – Poverty (Blue version)

Here’s the scene in greyscale form, which I create before I colour up a scene, to get the tone (light and shade) right.
Luke 16 - Rich man and Lazarus - Scene 02 - Poverty - Greyscale 980x706px col.jpg
Luke 16 – Rich man and Lazarus – Scene 02 – Poverty – Greyscale