Bible Cartoon: Luke 02 - Nativity SET01 - Scene 08 - Crowds astonished

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Bible Book: Luke
Bible Book Code: 4200201701
Scene no: 8 of 10

Bible Reference & Cartoon Description

Luke 2:17-18 (NLT)
17 After seeing him [the baby Jesus], the shepherds told everyone what had happened and what the angel had said to them about this child. 18 All who heard the shepherds’ story were astonished, …



The lighting for this scene is a little more complex than usual.
There is cool blue moon or star light which can be seen reflected off the walls of the buildings on the right; also on the edges of the plants & hills in the background.

Contrasting that cool blue/white colour is the warm yellow/orange of the artificial light, which comes from four sources:
01) There is a unseen fire in the left hand house, which is throwing yellow light onto the edges of the woman in red & her child, who are standing in their doorway, on the left of the scene.
02) There is a similar house fire glow coming from the dwelling on the right, which you can see throwing a yellow/orange glow onto the edges of the man & woman standing in the doorway.
03) There is a candle in a lantern being held aloft by a man in green, in the middle of the scene. That throws a yellow light onto the tops of figures.
04) There is a figure in the foreground who is holding up a lantern, which throws a yellow light onto the front of figures. That creates deep shadows on all of the foreground figures, except the right hand man, who is side-lit by this light.

Three shepherds talking to various villagers.

This scene is set in the village of Bethlehem, in central Israel, about 6 miles (10 km) south of Jerusalem.

I had fun drawing the various people’s expressions in this scene!

The three shepherds are the men with light grey/brown outer robes, in the centre of the scene, excitedly talking to people. The shepherd on the left is engaging a woman in red in conversation, the central shepherd has his hand together in a praying gesture, whilst the right hand one is lifting his hand to explain about the angelic visitors they just saw. The right hand shepherd is carrying a lamb (Ovis aries), as he did in the previous scene, Luke 02 – Nativity SET01 – Scene 07 – Shepherds find Jesus. That cartoon was drawn in December 2009 (nearly 5 years ago!) so matching it in terms of my style has been a challenge!

There is an olive tree (Olea europaea) growing up the house wall, on the extreme left hand side of this scene.

Here’s the scene without the figures, so you can see the townscape underlying the scene.
Luke 02 - Nativity SET01 - Scene 08 - Crowds astonished - Background 980x706px col
Background of Luke 02 – Nativity SET01 and SET02 – Scene 08 – Crowds astonished.

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Background of Luke 02 – Nativity SET01 and SET02 – Scene 08 – Crowds astonished