Bible Cartoon: John 02 - Jesus clears the temple - Scene 02 - Jesus observes the sellers

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Bible Book: John
Bible Book Code: 4300201302
Scene no: 2 of 6

Bible Reference & Cartoon Description

John 2:13-14 (ANIV)
13 When it was almost time for the Jewish Passover, Jesus went up to Jerusalem. 14 In the temple courts he found men selling cattle, sheep and doves, and others sitting at tables exchanging money.


Not specified in the Bible narrative. I have set this scene in the mid morning.

The sun (in a cloudy sky) illuminates this scene, from the East (right), casting shadows to the left of figures & objects.

Lots of Jews & Gentiles in the Courtyard of the Gentiles, outside the temple in Jerusalem, Israel.
In the middle of the scene from left to right stands Andrew, Mary Magdelene, Jesus (in blue outer robe & pale head scarf), John (son of Zebedee), Simon/Peter, James (son of Zebedee).
There are also cattle, sheep & doves in cages.

This scene took a day to draw & 3 days to colour up, due to all the people in it! The picture shows Jesus looking at the crowds in the courtyard, which was situated outside the temple complex itself.

The pale coloured walls of the temple building itself can be seen in the top right hand side of this picture. The brown walls beneath those paler walls are the surrounding temple complex walls, which enclosed the temple building, & were only accessible to Jewish men & the priests. The courtyard outside the temple complex was accessible to Jewish women & Gentiles (Greeks, other nationalities) as well. The courtyard was paved.
At the edge of the scene you can see the low, columned portico or colonnaded porch, which is an entrance to a structure, or a covered walkway supported by regularly spaced columns. Just visible above the ceiling of the portico are some of the walls & towers of the outer walls of Jerusalem. Beyond these walls are some of the hills that surround the city.

Here is the scene without the figures in the foreground.
John 02 - Jesus clears the temple - Scene 02 - Jesus observes the sellers 980x706px col.jpg
Background of John 02 – Jesus clears the temple – Scene 02 – Jesus observes the sellers

Click on the colour bar below to view/buy this Background:
Background of John 02 – Jesus clears the temple – Scene 02 and 03

The drawing below shows the approximate position of Jesus & his disciples (the red dot) standing in the courtyard of the Gentiles, in the temple of Jerusalem. The red arrow shows the direction of view in the scene (towards the North East).
Jerusalem - Temple - JC position - John 02 - Scene 02 980x706px col.jpg
Jerusalem – Temple – JC position – John 02 – Scene 02

If you want to buy this drawing (without the red dot & arrow!) follow this link to the BC maps section:
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Click colour bar below to see a diagram map showing the Jerusalem temple showing key features, with purchase option:
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Here is the original pencil sketch I drew to design this scene.
John 02 - Jesus clears the temple - Scene 02 - Jesus observes the sellers 980x706px greyscale.jpg
John 02 – Jesus clears the temple – Scene 02 – Jesus observes the sellers – Greyscale
Notice in this first imagining of the scene, I drew the walls & towers that surround & defend Jerusalem much closer to the temple courtyard. After some research I realised that the walls & towers were much further away, hence I needed to re-draw the scene. The figures & activity of the people within the scene are still pretty much the same as in this early sketch.