Bible Cartoon: 2 Kings 04 - Shunammite’s son resurrected - Scene 11 - Gehazi runs

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Bible Book: 2 Kings
Bible Book Code: 1200402901
Scene no: 4 of 5

Bible Reference & Cartoon Description

2 Kings 4:29-30 (ANIV)
29 Elisha said to Gehazi, “Tuck your cloak into your belt, take my staff in your hand and run. If you meet anyone, do not greet him, and if anyone greets you, do not answer. Lay my staff on the boy’s face.”
30 But the child’s mother said, “As surely as the Lord lives and as you live, I will not leave you.” So he got up and followed her.


Daytime, perhaps mid morning.

The sun lights the scene from the left.

Elisha is the bald central figure, carrying Elijah the prophet’s orange/brown cloak over his arm. His servant Gehazi is the figure on the right, starting to run. The Shunammite woman is an un-named lady, referred to in the text. She was a resident of the village of Shunam, in Lower Galilee.
You can also see the Shunammite woman’s donkey next to her, on the left of the picture.

Notice that Elisha (the central figure) is carrying an orange/brown piece of material. In fact that is Elijah’s cloak (or outer robe.) In 2 Kings 2:13 we read “Elisha picked up Elijah’s cloak, which had fallen when he was taken up.” If you look closely at my cartoon of that scene (2 Kings 02 – Elijah taken into heaven – Scene 06 – Chariot of fire) you can see the orange/brown cloak on the ground.

Where was Shunam?
Shunam was a small village in the south eastern part of the Jezreel Valley (which is itself in northern Israel.) It nestles below the base of the Hill of Moreh (Judges 7:1 – The battle of Gideon.) It is marked on my map below.

A resident of the village of Shunam was referred to as a Shunnamite.

Mount Tabor is North East of Shunam, about 6.5 miles (10.5 km) away.
Mount Gilboa is South East of Shunam, about 8 miles (13 km) away.
Mount Carmel (where the Shunnamite woman met Elisha, see 2 Kings 4:24-25) is 18.5 miles (30 km) to the North West.
Nazareth (childhood home of Jesus the Christ) is North North West of Shunam, about 6.5 miles (10.5 km) away.
The southern most shore of the Sea of Galilee is North East of Shunam, about 16 miles (25.7 km) away.

The site of ancient Shunam is within the modern city of Sulam.

A note about the journey from Shunam to Mount Carmel – how long did it take?
Bearing in mind that the Shunammite woman was riding a donkey led by a servant, & that she had to travel about 18.5 miles (30 km) from Shunam to Mount Carmel, I wonder if she would have managed it in a single day. That distance is a direct “as the crow flies” line, so the actual distance could have been 20 miles or more.
I doubt that she could have travelled from her home village/town, managed to traverse the Jezreel valley, & get up the slope of Mount Carmel, meet with Elisha & Gehazi & then manage to do the return trip, all in 1 day!

For this reason I propose that scenes 12 to 14 happened on the day after scenes 01-11.

Link drawing from large scale Middle East map to small scale Northern Israel map
Map Northern Israel Shunam to Mt. Carmel route
Map of Southern Israel showing route from Shunam to Mount Carmel

Link to related Map
Click colour bar below to see Map of route from Shunam to Mount Carmel, with purchase option:
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Who was Gehazi?
Gehazi’s name may mean “Valley of vision (or sight).” We first encounter Elisha’s trusted servant in connection with this narrative of the Shunammite woman (2 Kings 4:14, 31.) Then in 2 Kings 5:20-27 he is involved in the Lord’s healing of Naaman the Syrian. On that occasion Gehazi was guilty of duplicity and dishonest conduct, causing Elisha to denounce his crime with righteous sternness. As if that wasn’t bad enough, Gehazi then contracts the terrible leprosy that Naaman had been cured of [1]. Lastly we encounter Gehazi speaking with the king of Israel, telling him of all the wonderful things Elisha had done (2 Kings 8:1-6.)

2 Kings 5:27 (NLT)
Elisha said to Gehazi] “Because you have done this, you and your descendants will suffer from Naaman’s leprosy forever.” When Gehazi left the room, he was covered with leprosy; his skin was white as snow.

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