Bible Cartoon: 1 Kings 19 - The Lord appears to Elijah at Horeb - Scene 02 - Earthquake

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Bible Book: 1 Kings
Bible Book Code: 1101901101
Scene no: 2 of 3

Bible Reference & Cartoon Description

1 Kings 19:11b (ANIV)
[11a The Lord said, “Go out and stand on the mountain in the presence of the Lord, for the Lord is about to pass by.”
Then a great and powerful wind tore the mountains apart and shattered the rocks before the Lord, but the Lord was not in the wind.] 11b After the wind there was an earthquake, but the Lord was not in the earthquake.


Unspecified in the Bible text. Morning.

The dark storm clouds make it difficult to see the sun’s position, which is left (unseen), casting weak shadows to the right.

Elijah the prophet, on his knees, being shaken by the powerful earthquake.

Although similar to the previous scene, my intention in this picture was to show the trembling earth of the severe earthquake that is rocking the landscape… and Elijah! I really enjoyed drawing this scene from the same perspective as the previous one, but with all the wavy “movement lines” which show the quaking earth.

Here is the scene without the Elijah figure.
1 Kings 19 - The Lord appears to Elijah at Horeb - Scene 02 - Earthquake - Background 980x706px col.jpg
Background of 1 Kings 19 – The Lord appears to Elijah at Horeb – Scene 02 – Earthquake

Click on the colour bar below to view/buy this Background:
Background of 1 Kings 19 – The Lord appears to Elijah at Horeb – Scene 02 – Earthquake

Below is a close-up of the storm in the background.
1 Kings 19 - The Lord appears to Elijah at Horeb - Scene 02 - Earthquake - PARTIAL 01 col.jpg
1 Kings 19 – The Lord appears to Elijah at Horeb – Scene 02 – Earthquake – PARTIAL 01

Below is close-up of the Elijah figure.
1 Kings 19 - The Lord appears to Elijah at Horeb - Scene 02 - Earthquake - PARTIAL 02 col.jpg
1 Kings 19 – The Lord appears to Elijah at Horeb – Scene 02 – Earthquake – PARTIAL 02

Although an earthquake doesn’t have any particular weather associated with it, I thought dark clouds and lightning would add to the drama of the scene.

I used similar colours for the rocks and tried to make the mouth of the cave look like the previous scenes “1 Kings 19 – Elijah flees to Horeb – Scene 05 – Into a cave” and “1 Kings 19 – The Lord appears to Elijah at Horeb – Scene 01 – Great wind”, which visually ties the 3 pictures together.

I deliberately wanted to show Elijah literally shaking, as the powerful earth tremors split rocks and throw dust up into the air. Notice the falling rocks, some of which are bouncing off the cave, and splitting apart.