
Wanted: models!

Posted 12 Jan 2011

I’ve taken lots of photo’s of myself over the past few days… no, not because I’m egotistical! They are to help me to draw the figures in my latest Bible Cartoon series, Mark’s gospel chapter 02 – which is the story of Jesus healing of the paralytic man on a mat, who was lowered through the roof of the house Jesus was in by four friends. There are lots of difficult figure poses to draw in this story, & so I use my digital camera to record myself in the various poses & use these as my reference for the cartoons. I must say, setting the camera’s self-timer, then running to the front of the camera before it goes off, then back again is exhausting! How helpful it would be to have several models I could call on to pose for me, in Bible costumes, rather than having to do it all myself! Maybe one day I’ll find some people willing to be immortalised in my cartoon illustrations in this way!


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