
Some lovely customer comments!

Posted 18 May 2023

I had some lovely comments from customers the other day, regarding my artwork & the Bible Cartoons website. One customer (from the USA) said the website was quick & responsive – nice to read that! They also like the cartoons, especially the background illustrations I provide at the bottom of some of the scenes. I take off the figures & just show what’s behind them… it was those backgrounds the customer liked. They suggested I make them available, & with the figures as seperate files, so that children can move them around on the background. What a good idea!

I have been separating background from figures in my scenes for several years now, so it seems a good time to add hundreds of backgrounds to see/buy on the BC website in the near future, but that will take a LOT of coding & time, which will obviously mean I have less time to draw more of the Bible Cartoons themselves. You can’t have everything though!

Another nice comment I received recently was from a man in the USA, who is a visual learner (like me). He uses the Bible Cartoons to engage adults in Bible classes, & told me that my style of cartoon gets a chuckle, but also encourages his students to engage more deeply with the subject matter.

It’s great to get these observations & comments from customers, as it helps me to recognise that I am engaged in an artistic activity that has meaning & usefulness for people, all over the world.

You can read the actual comments by following the link below:

BC Customer Comments page


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