
Search by Bible Doctrine: another update - Genesis finished!

Posted 15 Jun 2017

As per my previous Blog update in May 2017, I’ve been busy working on the Search by Bible Doctrine page on the BC website. I am slowly adding Doctrine text to Bible Cartoons, with associated orange coloured links on the Search by Bible Doctrine page itself. This will mean that viewers will be able to see all Bible Cartoons that relate to a particular doctrine. For example, if you wanted to see every Bible Cartoon that relates to the doctrine of Jesus the Messiah of Israel, and Scripture Foretold his coming, then currently you would find 2 orange block links to 2 Bible Cartoons that show notes about that subject.

I spend a bit of time most days writing the notes and adding them to the relevant Bible Cartoon, and then adding the links to Search by Bible Doctrine page, as I estimate it’ll take me about a year to fully populate the page with all my cartoons.

So far I have finished making links for all my cartoons in the first book of the Bible (Genesis) and have moved on to Exodus, the 2nd book. I’ve added just over 100 links so far, with many, many more to be added!

You can see the page here:
Bible Cartoons Search by Bible Doctrine

Exodus 04 - Moses returns to Egypt - Scene 01 - Walking PB 361x221px col


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