
Sea frets & story-telling

Posted 26 Apr 2011

My wife & I went on a little Easter holiday with her parents to Robin Hood’s Bay in North Yorkshire, UK. Had a great time, in a posh hotel, despite the sea frets (mist) reducing visability & making us cold!

On the way back to Northamptonshire, we went into Waterstone’s book shop in Bradford & I browsed their business section, as is my habit since I started this Bible Cartoons Project… I was never interetsed in business books before that! Anyway, I saw a book entitled “Tell to win”, by Peter Guber. It seemed to be about how to tell narrative (stories) in order to tell people about what you are doing. I was intrigued, & wonder if there is any mileage in it for me. Normally I turn down my enthusiasm & sound very deap-pan whenever anyone asks me about the BCP, which is odd, because it is great & very exciting! I think I’m afraid that my enthusiasm will somehow put people off. In fact it is more likely to “switch them on”! So maybe I’ll buy the book after all.


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