
Review & High points of 2015

Posted 31 Dec 2015

Lots of interesting things have happened in the world of Bible Cartoons last year, here’s my review…

First, votes of thanks.

2015 Production.

Follow this link to see these Bible Cartoons:
All 75 new Bible Cartoons

Follow this link to see the Meta4 Pictures:
All Meta4 Pictures.

Milestone achievements.

Now EVERY book of the Bible (all 66 of them) have at least 1 Bible Cartoon representing them! This was my ultimate goal for the end of 2015 – I am so grateful to the Lord that I have achieved that goal.

Follow this link to see the Search page, with links to every book of the Bible:
”Search by Bible Book” web page.

Our Customers.

Uses of Bible Cartoons.


Follow this link to read this Blog article:
BC Blog article: 10 stages in drawing the plague of frogs.

Follow this link to see & download all the freebie pages:
Free Stuff page.

Follow this link to see & download all the Free Activity sheets:
Free Activity Sheets.

2017 targets, goals & what we’d like to achieve, God willing.

2017 Production & Art goals.
Genesis 01 - The First 7 Days - Scene 01 - In the beginning PB 288x200px col


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