
Numbers 21 - Bronze snake

Posted 14 May 2010

It’s been a long time since I have made time to post any blog entries on this website – sorry about that! I’ve been busy & distracted lately! I’ve been drawing cartoon strips for a local charity called “Crime to Christ”, who aim to put testimonies into all police cells in the local (3 counties) area. I have completed the first cartoon strip, & am working on others. The information I get provided is quite harrowing & graphic. I realise how little I know about the lives of drug addicts, criminals & people who have been arrested & put into prison. Whilst I am very grateful that such things have not happened to me, I am also very pleased, humbled & honoured to have been given the opportunity to draw these testimonial cartoons & I sincerely hope & pray that the charity succeeds in reaching needy people with the gospel.

It seems like ages since I have done any work for the Bible Cartoons Project. But today i have finished my next cartoon, based on the story found in the Bible book of Numbers, chapter 21. This is the scene where venomous snakes are bitting the Hebrew people in the desert & Moses makes a bronze snake replica to save them from the snake bites.

This scene is very evangelistic in nature, much more so than ever I thought! Initially I drew & coloured this scene because it sounded interesting, & was exciting & engaging, in a very visual way. I simply thought that it would make a wonderful cartoon. However, it has much more significance than merely being a nice picture! Jesus himself referred to the bronze snake incident, when he was talking to Nicodemus one night (see John 3:1-21.) He pointed out that just as people had to look at the bronze snake to be saved from their snake bites, so people would see Jesus lifted up on a pole (referring to his crucifixion) & would have to “look up at him” (and believe in him) in order to be saved from their sin & eternal separation from God.

Recently I have been thinking about drawing more obviously evangelistic cartoons, ones God can use to get the message of Salvation & the Good News across to all my viewers. To that end I had planned to draw cartoons about heaven & hell next. I had no idea that what I was currently drawing was also about that very same theme! So it seems I have already embarked on my new mission to draw evangelistic subjects, before I even realised it! How readily God takes our words, prayers & intentions to heart. A fact I am very happy about!

Numbers 21 - Bronze snake - Scene 04 - Snake on a pole (version 01)
Numbers 21 – Bronze snake – Scene 04 – Snake on a pole (version 01)

Follow this link to see this Bible Cartoon on the BC Gallery page, with download & purchase options:
Bible Cartoon: Numbers 21 – Bronze snake – Scene 04 – Snake on a pole (version 01)


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