
Malachi goes green; the whole OT represented on BC website!

Posted 23 Oct 2015

Malachi 04 - Day of the Lord - Scene 01 - Calves leaping 980x706px col.jpg
Malachi 04 – Day of the Lord – Scene 01 – Calves leaping

Follow this link to see this Bible Cartoon on the BC Gallery page, with download & purchase options:
Bible Cartoon: Malachi 04 – Day of the Lord – Scene 01 – Calves leaping

I have just completed my very first Bible Cartoon for the Old Testament prophet Malachi.

This is a monumental moment for me, as this also represents the completion of an important “chapter” of Bible Cartoons history – namely, that EVERY book of the Old Testament now has a Bible Cartoon it it – woo hoo!

My new picture comes from chapter 4 of Malachi, & shows calves leaping as they leave a pen… kind of like the excitement I feel at managing to turn every one of the 39 boxes on the BC Search by Bible Book green!

Follow this link to see all 39 books of the OT green – first time EVER!
Bible Cartoons: Search by Bible Book

Malachi 4:1-3 (ANIV)
[The day of the Lord]
1 “Surely the day is coming; it will burn like a furnace. All the arrogant and every evildoer will be stubble, and that day that is coming will set them on fire,” says the Lord Almighty. “Not a root or a branch will be left to them. 2 But for you who revere my name, the sun of righteousness will rise with healing in its wings. And you will go out and leap like calves released from the stall. 3 Then you will trample down the wicked; they will be ashes under the soles of your feet on the day when I do these things,” says the Lord Almighty.
[Emboldened for clarity – MY]


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