
Holiday fast approaching

Posted 18 Dec 2009

The Christmas holiday is fast approaching. My wife finishes at her school tonight & has 2 weeks off work – apart from all the lesson planning, research, thinking & management activities she has to do!
As for me, I’d like to carry on drawing & creating these cartoons, but once my wife is off work, & the Christmas festivities start in earnest, I don’t suppose I’ll get that much done. Perhaps some time away from the cartooning will be good for me, & I’ll come back to it in the New Year refreshed & eager to draw some more.

In the mean time, here is my latest creation – based on Genesis 01, where the Lord creates Land… in greyscale, full colour & with a close-up, to show you what you’d get if you purchased the hi-res’ version!

Genesis 01 - The First 7 Days - Scene 04 - Land 980x706px greyscale
Genesis 01 – The First 7 Days – Scene 04 – Land – greyscale

Genesis 01 - The First 7 days - Scene 04 - Land
Genesis 01 – The First 7 Days – Scene 04 – Land

Genesis 01 - The First 7 Days - Scene 04 - Land - PARTIAL
Genesis 01 – The First 7 Days – Scene 04 – Land – PARTIAL

Follow this link to see this Bible Cartoon on the BC Gallery page, with download & purchase options:
Bible Cartoon: Genesis 01 – The First 7 Days – Scene 04 – Land


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