
Happy Birthday to Jesus

Posted 26 Dec 2010

My wife & I attended a Christmas morning service at Bingley Baptist Church, in West Yorkshire, GB, yesterday. The minister asked the children present what they had received for Christmas & went on to say that in fact we are celebrating Jesus’ birthday on this special day. He had baked a large chocolate cake, complete with candles & we sang “Happy birthday to Jesus.” I found it a very moving experience & could hardly complete the song: I felt quite choked up! I was surprised by the strength of my own reaction. Somehow singing to Jesus was exactly the right thing to do. I think it was such a simple idea, but it made Jesus seem all the more real to me, somehow, as we sang to him. I could imagine him smiling at our thoughtfulness. Our focus can so often be on ourselves & what we hope to receive on Christmas day, but in fact our attention should be on Jesus, as we celebrate his birthday. I congratulate the minister on his simple, yet poignant idea – well done.


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