
Fun BC page pictures, primary school work, GDPR, and an animator!

Posted 11 Jun 2018

Haven’t I been quiet on this blog and social media lately?! Although I’ve not written anything, I’ve been busy this last week…

Monday 18th June 2018 saw me back in local Primary school, drawing pictures for the children based on the picture book “The Way Back Home” by Oliver Jeffers. What an inventive mind that author has – brilliant! The children innovated the story – including replacing the main character’s aeroplane with a glass submarine, complete with velvet curtains and red carpet!

Tues-Fri 19th-22nd June 2018 saw me working on my new “Search by Bible Character” page for the Bible Cartoons website… slow progress, but the function will be good. Visitors will be able to see all the cartoons I’ve drawn that include a particular person from the Bible, and they don’t need to know where in the Bible that person is mentioned. That will be helpful for those of us who don’t have a photographic memory for these things! There are almost 150 characters, and that number will increase as I draw more cartoons! The page isn’t live yet, but will be soon, I hope.

Post GDPR start date (25th May 2018), I wanted to give people the chance to sign up to our new mailing list (powered by MailChimp). When someone makes a purchase, or signs up, they will see one of the first 2 pictures below. If something goes wrong on the BC website, they’ll see the 3rd picture. This is all about making the BC website as user-friendly and fun as I can.

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Thank you couple, seen on the new Bible Cartoons mailing list sign up page
If someone makes a purchase of Bible Cartoons I direct them to this page (via email), so they get the chance to sign up to our mailing list.

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Sign up couple, seen on the new Bible Cartoons mailing list sign up page
If someone wants to sign up to our mailing list, even if they haven’t made a purchase from Bible Cartoons, they will see this picture. If you click the blue button on the banner at the top of the page (”Mailing list sign up”) this is what you see.

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Broken Ox cart
I decided to upgrade the error message page on the BC website. Now you’ll see this page if you get a 404 error, or search for a page that doesn’t exist. It’s mostly a bit of fun!

I was contacted by an animator last week – most unexpected. We talked about collaborating on projects. I’ve sent her the first scene from the Lost Son story, in Luke’ s gospel (Luke 15 – Parable of the prodigal son – Scene 01 – Young son leaves) to animate. I’ve emailed a solid/flat colour version, which will be easier to work on than the fully modelled version you see on the BC website. All those shadows and highlights that I include would be a nightmare to try to animate! We’ll see what happens and whether or not it will work.


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