
First ever Proverbs Bible Cartoons

Posted 10 Feb 2010

I’ve just completed 2 full colour cartoon illustrations for the book of Proverbs. I’m breaking new ground here: these are the first ones I‘ve drawn for that Bible book.
This particular chapter of Proverbs is the story of a foolish young man who allows himself to be enticed by another man’s wife. She is described in the text as being ‘dressed seductively’ & as being ‘sly of heart.’ The final part of the story says:

Don’t let your hearts stray away toward her [the Adulteress].
Don’t wander down her wayward path.
For she has been the ruin of many;
numerous men have been her victims.
Her house is the road to the grave.
Her bedroom is the den of death.

The last 2 lines of the story really fired up my imagination. I imagined the scene of the foolish young man, in the bedroom of the adulteress, but then I imagined the scene shifting & changing, such that we can see what it is really like, almost as if we can see the scene as God sees it. The woman, who had been pretty & alluring a moment before becomes a skeletal figure reclining on a bed made of skulls. Suddenly she is surrounded by the flames of hell, which curl out & pull the young fool to his doom.

I was careful to create the pen & ink drawings such that they would overlay each other precisely. It would be good to be create a little animation of these 2 scenes, where the first fades into the second.

Here are the 2 versions of the scene, with a section of detail from each:

Proverbs 07v01-23 - Fool and Adultress - Scene 01 - Bedroom
Proverbs 07v01-23 – Fool & Adultress – Scene 01 – Bedroom

Close-up of the woman.
Proverbs 07v01-23 - Fool and Adultress - Scene 01 - Bedroom - PARTIAL
Proverbs 07v01-23 – Fool and Adultress – Scene 01 – Bedroom – PARTIAL

Follow this link to see this Bible Cartoon on the BC Gallery page, with download & purchase options:
Bible Cartoon: Proverbs 07v01-23 – Fool & Adulteress – Scene 01 – Bedroom

Proverbs 07v24-27 - Fool and Adultress - Scene 02 - Den of death
Proverbs 07v24-27 – Fool & Adultress – Scene 02 – Den of death

Close-up of the man’s reaction.
Proverbs 07:23-27 - Fool and Adulteress - Scene 02 - Den of death - PARTIAL
Proverbs 07v01-23 – Fool and Adultress – Scene 02 – Den of Death – PARTIAL

Follow this link to see this Bible Cartoon on the BC Gallery page, with download & purchase options:
Bible Cartoon: Proverbs 07v24-27 – Fool & Adulteress – Scene 02 – Den of death


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