
Daniel 03 - The fiery furnace

Posted 26 Jan 2010

Here’s my latest drawing, showing Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah (also known as Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego) about to be thrown into a fiery furnace, by the Babylonian king, Nebuchadnezzar. The strory can be found in the Old Testament book of Daniel, chapter 03.

Below are the tonal (light & shade) or greyscale version, the full colour finished version & a close-up, to show you some of the details of the work, which you can’t really appreciate in the small version I present here. Incidentally, we are in the process of finding a way to show enlargements of all the cartoons on this website, so that you can see these finer details for yourselves.

Daniel 03 - Fiery furnace - Scene 02 - Into the furnace - greyscale
Daniel 03 – Fiery furnace – Scene 02 – Into the furnace – Greyscale

Daniel 03 - Fiery furnace - Scene 02 - Into the furnace
Daniel 03 – Fiery furnace – Scene 02 – Into the furnace

Daniel 03 - Fiery furnace - Scene 02 - Into the furnace - PARTIAL col.jpg
Daniel 03 – Fiery furnace – Scene 02 – Into the furnace – PARTIAL

Follow this link to see this Bible Cartoon on the BC Gallery page, with download & purchase options:
Bible Cartoon: Daniel 03 – Fiery furnace – Scene 02 – Into the furnace


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