
Customer map added

Posted 22 May 2012

Hi, I just want to make you aware of a brand new function/page that we have created on the Bible Cartoons website. Having chatted to a marketing expert (my friend Rob!) we hit upon the idea of showing a world map with all the Bible Cartoons customers shown. I hope this has the effect of generating confidence in new viewers & potential customers, as they can see that a lot of other people, churches & organizations have purchased Bible Cartoons successfully from us.

Notes about the map
As we explain on the map page itself, we deeply respect our customer’s privacy & are totally committed to keeping it. For this reason the little blue place markers that you see on the world map only show the approximate location of a customer. Their actual address is often some distance away from the place marker. If you zoom in on any of the place markers, you’ll quickly become aware that they are often positioned on a road junction or the nearest body of water, some distance from the customers’ actual home!

I should also point out that no customer names are displayed on the map either, which also preserves their privacy.

No doubt many of our customers wouldn’t mind having their name & address displayed, but we think it is best to keep this information private & secret, to ensure their confidence in us at Bible Cartoons. As Proverbs rightly reminds us:

“A gossip betrays a confidence, but a trustworthy man keeps a secret.” – Proverbs 11:13 (ANIV)

I couldn’t put it better myself!

Here’s a link to take you to the new page: Customer Map


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