
Cubic new Jerusalem cartoon

Posted 15 Dec 2009

I’ve just finished & uploaded my latest cartoon to this website. This is an important cartoon for us, since it is the last one needed before we can make the website “go live.”

I have designed the front page of the web site to include a composite illustration, which is made up of 17 seperate cartoons. These illustrate some of the key stories to be found in the Holy Bible. The idea is that you (the visitor) will be able to click on any of the cartoons, & see the finished work. Obviously we couldn’t launch the website until I’d drawn all 17 illustrations – & now I have!

This last illustration is taken from Revelation chapter 21, which talks about a new Jerusalem “coming down from God out of heaven.” Later on in the chapter an angel of God measures the edges of the city & it is 1,400 miles (2,253 km) on each edge, forming a cube. That is a very large cube indeed! As I wrote in the drawing notes that accompany the carton illustration…
“The scripture states that the city is 1,400 miles (2,253 km) along each edge, which is almost the distance from the city of London to Marrakesh, Morocco (1430 miles, or 2,303 km) or from London to the nearest coast of the Caspian Sea!”

I’ve attached a copy of the cartoon here, & a close up to show the detail of the cubic city, that you could see in the hi-resolution version of this picture.

Revelation 21 - Cubic New Jerusalem 980x706px col.jpg
Revelation 21 – Cubic New Jerusalem

Here’s a close-up of the golden city.
Revelation 21 - New Jerusalem - PARTIAL
Revelation 21 – New Jerusalem – PARTIAL

Follow this link to see this Bible Cartoon on the BC Gallery page, with download & purchase options:
Bible Cartoon: Revelation 21 – New Jerusalem


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