
Church talk about Bible Cartoons on 15th Oct 2011

Posted 12 Oct 2011

I’m hard at work honing a presentation talk I am giving at a church down in London on Saturday 15th Oct, in the evening. I’m telling them all about the Bible Cartoons ministry: how it all started, what I do, etc. I’ve got lots of Powerpoint slides to back me up! I’m even going to show them my Jonah animation! I plan to use my graphics tablet as part of the demo’ too. Hope the technology all works! Should be good. I won’t say “fun” because public speaking is a pretty scary thing, but I do want to tell more people about the Bible Cartoons ministry, & if I need to do some public speaking to get that message across, then so be it!

And to top it off, I’ve been asked to do 2 children’s talks on Friday evening, with some cartooning about The Good Samaritan. Wow, talk about operating outside my comfort zone! This is definitely a time I need to pray that the Lord will go before me & smooth my way!

I even had my hair cut… very short, as part of my preparation for Sat’s talk in London – how dedicated is that!

I’d appreciate as many people praying for me over this as possible: that the journey down & back will be OK & event free; that the talks will go well & be well received; that all the technology will work, & that people will enjoy what I have to say. Wouldn’t it be fantastic if my passion & enthusiasm for Bible Cartoons helped someone to decide to become a Christian too – talk about the icing on the cake! let’s pray for that too!


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