
Bible Cartoons website misbehaving

Posted 22 Feb 2017

The other day I remembered that I hadn’t changed the Bible Cartoons header, which shows the advent wreath… and it’s February…Ooops! I thought it’d be easy to change… but oh no. Usually I simply go to the various css styles sheets I designed last year & change a title in there, then a new image is uploaded & displayed. I have tried on several occasions to make that change but I get a 403 Forbidden error instead.

I’ve contacted my hosting company but heard nothing back.

I’ve tried researching the error, on Textpattern (my CMS) forums – some other people have the same error, but the solution that worked for them (making a change to .hcaccess file) doesn’t work for me – grrrrr!

I hope I find a solution before to long… then again I could just wait until next Christmas. As they say, even a broken clock tells the correct time twice a day. My website will be in tune with the season once a year at this rate!

Mark 15 - The Crucifixion - Scene 03 - Nailed to the cross PB 241x163px col


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