
Back to work after Easter holiday

Posted 19 Apr 2010

I’ve had 2 weeks Easter holiday which included a very nice trip up to Robin Hood’s Bay in North Yorkshire. My wife & I have spent our other holiday time doing jobs about the house. It has been very good doing other things besides Bible cartooning, but I am ready to get back into the work. I frequently suffer withdrawal symptoms after a few days of not drawing! Today is my first day back at work on this Bible Cartoons Project. I’ve just completed inking in a scene from Mark chapter 16, where Jesus is before Pontius Pilate, with lots of angry looking Jewish leaders surrounding him.

I am reporting on my progress to a members meeting of our church tonight. At the last meeting the members voted to adopt my project as part of the churches own mission. Now it is up to me to inform them of what has happened over the past 3 months, which will include new drawings, marketing progress, sales, etc. I’m kind of looking forward to the meeting, but kind of dreading it too: public speaking is always a nerve-wracking experience for me, even when I know what I’m talking about!


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