
All books of the Bible have a Bible Cartoon!

Posted 18 Dec 2015

I’ve just completed & uploaded my Bible Cartoon for the New Testament book of Jude (which is just before the book of Revelation.)

This scene represents the end of my mammoth quest in 2015 to have drawn at least 1 Bible Cartoon for every book of the Bible. I have just achieved that goal – woo hoo!

Now ALL of the boxes on the “Search by Bible Book” page are green, meaning all books have at least 1 Bible Cartoon in them. There’s not a red box in sight!

If you want to see all the green boxes click the link below:
Bible Cartoons “Search by Bible Book” page

This year I have drawn & completed 62 unique Bible Cartoons, with 13 variations (e.g. changing the colour of something in the picture), totalling 75.

I have also drawn & coloured up 21 Metaphor pictures, bringing the total up to 96. My annual aim is to produce at least 50 Bible Cartoons, so I have exceeded that – hurray!

If you want to see all the Bible Cartoons I’ve drawn this year, click the link below:
Bible Cartoons 2015


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