Collection of Bible Cartoons, grouped into Famous Bible stories.

Click on colour blocks to see complete of Bible Cartoons.

New Testament (Gospels) Events New Testament (after Gospels) Event list Parables (Stories) of Jesus
Total Old Testament cartoons drawn: 543
Total New Testament cartoons drawn: 529
Total Bible Cartoons (OT + NT) drawn: 1072

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Famous Old Testament Events All of Genesis Bible Cartoons in one place! Genesis 01 - The beginning: Creation (10 x cartoons) Genesis 06-09 - The Flood and Noah’s ark (9 x cartoons) Genesis 11 - The tower of Babel (1 x cartoon) Genesis 18-19 - Destruction of Sodom & Gomorrah (1 x cartoon) Genesis 22 - Abraham tested (1 x cartoon) Genesis 37 - Early life of Joseph (15 x cartoons)
All of Exodus Bible Cartoons in one place! Exodus 01-02 - Moses in Egypt (12 x cartoons) Exodus 02 - Moses flees to Midian (5 x cartoons) Exodus 03-04 - Moses and the burning bush (14 x cartoons) Exodus 07-12 - The 10 Plagues of Egypt (11 x cartoons) Exodus 14 - Parting of the Red Sea (17 x cartoons) Exodus 16 - Manna and Quail (1 x cartoon) Exodus 17 - Water from the rock (6 x cartoons) Numbers 16 - Korah's rebellion (13 x cartoons) Numbers 22 - Balaam's donkey (7 x cartoon) Deuteronomy 34 - Death of Moses (4 x cartoons)
All of Joshua Bible Cartoons in one place! Joshua 03-04 - Crossing the river Jordan (11 x cartoons) Joshua 05-06 - Fall of Jericho (6 x cartoons) Judges 13-16 - The life of Samson (36 x cartoons)
All of Ruth Bible Cartoons in one place!
All of 1 Samuel Bible Cartoons in one place! 1 Samuel 03 - The Lord calls Samuel (1 x cartoon) 1 Samuel 17 - David and Goliath (12 x cartoons) 1 Kings 13 - Prophet and lion (11 x cartoons) 1 Kings 19 - Elijah flees to Mount Horeb: Wind storm, Earthquake, Fire storm, Gentle whisper. (9 x cartoons) 1 Kings 18 - Elijah on Mt Carmel (1 x cartoon) 1 Kings 21 - Naboth’s vineyard (8 x cartoon)
All of 2 Kings Bible Cartoons in one place! 2 Kings 04 - Shunammite’s son resurrected (5 x cartoons) Esther 01-10 - Queen Esther (4 x cartoons) Job 38 - Job tested (1 x cartoon) Psalm 23 - The Shepherd’s Psalm (1 x cartoon)
All of Proverbs Bible Cartoons in one place! Ecclesiastes 03 - A time for everything (7 x cartoons) Daniel 03 - The fiery furnace (2 x cartoons) Daniel 06 - Daniel in the lions' den (17 x cartoons) Jonah 01-04 - Jonah and the great fish (15 x cartoons)
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New Testament - Matthew, Mark, Luke and John’s Gospels
The events of Jesus's life (organised in gospel order under each main heading)

Birth of Jesus Matthew 01-02 - The Nativity SET 01 (21 x cartoons) Matthew 01-02 - The Nativity SET 02 (19 x cartoons) Luke 01 - Jesus’ birth foretold (15 x cartoons) Luke 02 - The Nativity - SET01 (13 x cartoons) Luke 02 The Nativity - SET02 (13 x cartoons)
Childhood of Jesus Luke 02 - Jesus’ childhood (1 x cartoon) Luke 02 - Prophesies about Jesus (6 x cartoons)
Baptism and temptation of Jesus Matthew 03 - John the Baptist / Baptism of Jesus (3 x cartoons) Matthew 04 - Temptation of Jesus (6 x cartoons)
Miracles of Jesus Matthew 08 - Jesus calms a storm (1 x cartoon) Matthew 09 - Jesus heals by faith (5 x cartoons) Matthew 14 - Jesus walks on water (7 x cartoons) Matthew 15 - Faith of a Canaanite/Gentile Woman (5 x cartoons) Mark 02 - Jesus heals a paralytic (6 x cartoons) Mark 04 - Jesus calms a storm (6 x cartoons) Mark 05 - Woman healed and girl resurrected (8 x cartoons) Mark 06 - Jesus feeds 5,000 (1 x cartoon) John 02 - Wedding at Cana and Jesus clears the temple (13 x cartoons) John 11 - Raising of Lazarus (9 x cartoons)
Teachings of Jesus John 06-15 - The 7 “I AM” statements of Jesus (7 x cartoons) Matthew 04 - Calling of the first disciples (1 x cartoon) Matthew 05 - The Beatitudes / Sermon on the mount (5 x cartoons) Matthew 07 - Judging others (4 x cartoons) Matthew 16 - Peter’s confession: Jesus is Lord (5 x cartoons) Mark 10 - Jesus blesses children (2 x cartoons) Mark 12 - The widow’s offering (3 x cartoons) Luke 09 - The Transfiguration (6 x cartoons) Luke 19 - Zacchaeus the tax collector (12 x cartoons) John 02 - The wedding at Cana and Jesus clears the temple (13 x cartoons) John 14 - Jesus: The way, The truth and The life (1 x cartoon)
Final Days of Jesus - Approaching Jerusalem, anointed at Bethany, last supper... Matthew 26 - The last supper (1 x cartoon) Mark 14 - The last supper (1 x cartoon) John 12 - Jesus anointed at Bethany (1 x cartoon) John 12 - Jesus rides into Jerusalem / Triumphal entry (1 x cartoon)
Suffering of Jesus Mark 14 - Jesus arrested (3 x cartoons) Mark 14-15 - Trial of Jesus (8 x cartoons) Mark 15 - The Crucifixion (6 x cartoons) John 18 - Garden of Gethsemane (1 x cartoon) John 19 - The Crucifixion (1 x cartoon)
Death of Jesus Mark 15 - Death of Jesus (4 x cartoons) Mark 15 - Burial of Jesus (8 x cartoons)
Resurrection of Jesus Mark 16 - The resurrection / empty tomb (9 x cartoons) Luke 24 - The road to Emmaus (6 x cartoon) John 20 - The resurrection / empty tomb (1 x cartoon)
Ascension of Jesus Acts 01 - Jesus ascends into heaven (2 x cartoons)

All of Matthew’s Gospel Bible Cartoons in one place! All of Mark’s Gospel Bible Cartoons in one place! All of Luke’s Gospel Bible Cartoons in one place! All of John’s Gospel Bible Cartoons in one place!
Special Easter Collection - 55 Bible Cartoons- Special price! Saving you a massive £62 (High Quality Cartoons) or £24 (Med Quality Cartoons)
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