Generic Meta4 Pictures

Click on a box below to see all the Meta4 Pictures in that category.

Numbers in parentheses (x) (that's brackets to you & me!) show how many cartoons are in each category.

There are 44 Meta4 Pictures in total.

A green box shows a category I have drawn cartoons for.

A red box shows that I have not drawn any cartoons for that category. Please return & look again... I am always adding new cartoons.

Attitudes and Habits (5) Dreams and Vision pictures (6) God's Big Picture (4) Nature and Animals (1) Objects (11) Places and Pathways (3) Sea and Sailing (5) Story Meta4s (3) Just for Fun (4) Miscellaneous (0)

Explanation of groups:

Attitudes and Habits - Human attitudes, approaches to life, behaviours, comments about them. eg hope v's hopelessness. Habitual, repeated behaviours as an approach to life. Positive (beneficial) and negative (self-destructive) habits, difficulties, snares, negative attitudes that cause us harm.

Dreams and Vision Pictures - Dreams, or waking dreams/vision pictures, or imagination pictures I've had.

God's Big Picture - Illustrating the great or grand, overarching scheme, especially God's grand plan. Illustrating the gift of faith (from God to us); and how faith (in us) might work, or lack of faith! Faith as a choice for us. Choosing to act on faith (rather than instinct, senses or perceptions). Supernatural phenomenon.

Nature and Animals - Trees, flowers, animals, natural objects at the centre of a Meta4 Picture.

Objects - Meta4 pictures centred around a particular object or in which an object plays a central, important part.

Places and Pathways - Mazes, cul-de-sacs, tracks, paths, coastal walks, etc. Walking, moving towards a goal, cyclical behaviour.

Sea and Sailing - Boats, ships, the sea, waves, sailing as a metaphor for movement, particularly progress, moving towards a goal, etc.

Story Metaphors - Scenes that illustrate a particular story, as metaphor or explanation of deeper truth.

Just for fun - includes famous characters from the Bible, scenes involving people, e.g. Jesus & the cross.

Miscellaneous - A catch-all category for everything that doesn’t fit in any of the categories above!

Meta4 pictures illustrate figures of speech, stories, dreams, visions, concepts, etc.

Metaphor pictures differ from Bible Cartoons in that they do not relate to any one, specific part of the Bible.

Metaphor pictures are available at High Quality (150dpi – £2 (GBP)), Medium Quality (72 dpi – £1 (GBP)) & Low quality (20dpi – Free)

Exclusive! These designs are unique and are not available to purchase anywhere else.