Bible Cartoon: Psalm 20 - Some trust in chariots

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Bible Book: Psalms
Bible Book Code: 1902000701
Scene no: 1 of 1

Bible Reference & Cartoon Description

Psalms 20:1-9 (ANIV)
1 [For the director of music. A psalm of David.]

May the Lord answer you when you are in distress;
may the name of the God of Jacob protect you.
2 May he send you help from the sanctuary
and grant you support from Zion.
3 May he remember all your sacrifices
and accept your burnt offerings.


4 May he give you the desire of your heart
and make all your plans succeed.
5 We will shout for joy when you are victorious
and will lift up our banners in the name of our God.
May the Lord grant all your requests.

6 Now I know that the Lord saves his anointed;
he answers him from his holy heaven
with the saving power of his right hand.
7 Some trust in chariots and some in horses,
but we trust in the name of the Lord our God.
8 They are brought to their knees and fall,
but we rise up and stand firm.

9 O Lord, save the king!
Answer us when we call!


Unspecified in Bible Text. Daytime.

Sunlight (above & out of view to the right) illuminates this scene with strong yellow light, casting shadows to the Left of figures & objects

Two soldiers, two horses.
Two un-named Hebrew people.

Psalm 20 is an example of a Kingship psalm, which detail the role of the human king in God’s rule over the people. They also point ahead to the Messiah, who would inaugurate God’s kingdom.

This light hearted scene shows the difference between those that trust in chariots & horses & those that trust in the Lord. Two soldiers have crashed in a horse drawn chariot, and “they are brought to their knees and fall” as verse 8 tells us. Notice the thick wooden beam that is used to secure the two horses to the body of the chariot has broken in two. A wheel has broken off the chariot as well!
To contrast with this mishap, there are two Hebrew people (an un-named man & woman) off to the right of the scene, who are praying & delighting in the Lord.

Here is the scene without the figures, horses or broken chariot.
Psalm 20 - Some trust in chariots - Background 980x706px col.jpg
Background of Psalm 20 – Some trust in chariots

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Background of Psalm 20 – Some trust in chariots