
Lamentations goes green on Bible Cartoons!

Posted 10 Sep 2015

Lamentations - Sorrow in Jerusalem - Scene 01 - Desolate city  (Dark version) 980x706px col
Lamentations – Sorrow in Jerusalem – Scene 01 – Desolate city (Dark version)

Follow this link to see this Bible Cartoon on the BC Gallery page, with download & purchase options:
Bible Cartoon: Lamentations – Sorrow in Jerusalem – Scene 01 – Desolate city (Dark version)

Lamentations - Sorrow in Jerusalem - Scene 01 - Desolate city  (Light version) 980x706px col
Lamentations – Sorrow in Jerusalem – Scene 01 – Desolate city (Lighter version)

Follow this link to see this Bible Cartoon on the BC Gallery page, with download & purchase options:
Bible Cartoon: Lamentations – Sorrow in Jerusalem – Scene 01 – Desolate city (Lighter version)

I’ve just finished the very first Bible Cartoon I’ve ever drawn for the Bible book “Lamentations”. That means that on the website “Search by Bible Book” page, the box which has been red (indicating that there are no cartoons in that book) has now turned green – hurray! That’s twice in 1 week this has happened – unprecedented achievement!

This represents my determined effort to try to put at least one Bible Cartoon in the remaining books of the Bible which I haven’t illustrated yet. There are now only (!) 12 books of the Old Testament, & a further 12 in the New Testament books that need a picture.


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