
Genesis 01 Bible Cartoons

Posted 28 Jan 2010

I produced these 3 illustrations (they can’t really be described as cartoons, can they?!) a while ago, in a square format. I wasn’t sure whether or not I liked them & so didn’t upload them to the website. Today I transformed them into my usual landscape picture format, & have decided to upload them – have a look & see what you think. From left to right they are: Genesis 01:1-2 “In the beginning”, Genesis 01:3-5 “Let there be light”, Genesis 01:6-8 “Waters”. If you go to the Search button, & go to Genesis 01, you’ll see them with their background notes, which will explain what they actually represent!

Genesis 01 - The First 7 Days - Scene 01 - In the beginning
Genesis 01 – The First 7 Days – Scene 01 – In the beginning

Genesis 01 - The First 7 Days - Scene 02 - Light
Genesis 01 – The First 7 Days – Scene 02 – Light

Genesis 01 - The First 7 Days - Scene 01 - Waters
Genesis 01 – The First 7 Days – Scene 03 – Waters

Follow this link to see this Bible Cartoon on the BC Gallery page, with download & purchase options:
Bible Cartoon: Genesis


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