

Posted 31 Aug 2010

My wife & I are back from our second holiday, in Molygrove in Pembrokeshire. We had a great time & saw some stunning scenery. The best of it was at Whitesands Bay, St. David’s Head. Glorious sunshine & crashing waves. I took lots of photo’s & shot some video too. I was particularly interested in photographing the striking rock outcrops, which provides inspiration for my Bible cartoons.

Whitesands Bay, St. David’s Head

We also read the book “The Grace Outpouring” by Roy Godwin & Dave Roberts, which details the awesome manifestations of God’s power in a hilltop Christian retreat centre called Ffald-y-Brenin. As we were quite close to the centre, we decided to go & have a look for ourselves. Although we didn’t experience any miraculous healings or profound move of God ourselves, I did feel my tummy turn over, when we arrived at the steep driveway… does that count?! The centre is amazingly peaceful & the views are very pretty. We could quite see how God could make his presence felt there. Perhaps we will return for a stay in the future. Below is a photo of the high cross, which is mentioned in the book, & the little round chapel, where so many people have discovered the reality of God, his love for them & his amazing power.

The retreat has a website: http://www.ffald-y-brenin.org/

The High Cross, Ffald-y-Brenin

The Chapel, Ffald-y-Brenin


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