
Exhibition & website development meeting

Posted 24 Sep 2010

I discovered the Christian Resources Exhibition (CRE) on the web the other day, which is a large trade stand exhibition of suppliers & businesses, related to Christianity. It may be worth a visit in October, to make contacts & to let more people know about the Bible Cartoon Project & the vision of what we are doing.

I recently met up my technical whiz Dan & we had a meeting about this website. We talked about marketing & e-commerce. We have been working to bring PayPal functionality to the website, so viewers can purchase the cartoons. It seems like ages that we have been at this e-commerce thing. I’ll be glad when it is finished! Progress has been made – we’ve added a donate button – feel free to use it! Soon we’ll have a shopping cart!

We also decided to have a look at the home page. According to Google Analytics, the home page is the main landing page (not a surprise!) but it is also the chief exit page. I wonder if that means people are coming to the site & leaving it immediately? Dan & I discussed re-designing the home page, to make it more user-friendly. Do any of my blog readers have any suggestions about how I can make the home page work better? E-mail me with your comments… please!


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