
Why I’m drawing these cartoons...

Posted 01 Oct 2009

I’ve just been thinking & praying about this Bible Cartoons Project (BCP.) I found myself wondering what impact it might have on anyone who looks at the cartoons. I hope that anyone & everyone who sees these cartoons & this website doesn’t just see them as occasionally humourous cartoons, based on the bible. I’d like their impact to be deeper & more meaningful than that. I’d like the website & cartoons to work together, to present a unified & easily understood message…
… But what is that message? What is it that I am trying to present here, in these cartoons, & in this website?
What are the goal(s) of this Bible Cartoons Project? I think the message is something like this…

I’d like the cartoons & website to be clear & obvious in their combined message. I want people to understand what this website is all about.
I’d like people to be moved by these cartoon illustrations: moved intellectually, emotionally & spiritually.
I’d like people to be challenged by what they see & read: maybe even challenged to change their ways; challenged to improve their lives: challenged to take the claims of Jesus Christ & the Good News seriously.

When people leave this website I’d like them to have had a good time here; to have been uplifted during their visit; to have been challenged, comforted, informed, educated, entertained… I want people to be different from when they first arrived here. I’d like them to have a life-inspiring, life-affirming time here in the pages of this website.

I’m hoping that this website will be used by God to reach out to Christians & non-Chrstians alike. I’m hoping that God will use this website & it’s cartoons to encourage Christians who may be flagging in their faith; that this website will give their faith a boost & let them know that the struggles, trials & temptations of this life can be overcome… we can succeed in our Christianity, & finally stand before Jesus & get that ultimate accolade from Him: “Well done my good & faithful servant.”
Similarly, I’d like God to use his website to challenge non-Christians to look into the life, death & resurrection of Jesus Christ, & to find Him for themselves. I’d love God to use this website to reach to needy, hurting people, who are looking for that “something” but haven’t yet found it. I’d love God to use this website to encourage people to accept Him as their own Lord & Saviour.

I hope that visitors can see that my own faith informs these cartoons: shapes & styles them. I hope the cartoons & this website combine to issue a clear & relevant call to all who visit: Come see a man (Jesus Christ) who is God. Come see the God who became a man, in order to save me, & us, from certain & eternal damnation. This person, Jesus Christ, is the best thing that can happen to you! He, & He alone, can save you from death & an eternity in hell. He makes this life worth living. No matter who you are, or what you’ve done, Jesus can transform your life: taking away your deepest sorrows, anxieties, worries, past failures & hurts & replacing them with satisfaction, completeness, peace, a true sense of belonging, a true sense of appropriate self-worth, a sure & certain hope in the future, & much, much more.

Maybe it is a tall order for a single website to achieve all of that! But I still hope that Jesus uses this cartooning skill of mine for His own loving purposes. The Lord knows this world is full of lonely, hurting people who need to know the truth & to find the way back to Him. If this website helps people on that journey, even if only a little, then it will all have been worth it.


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