
Browser problem solved

Posted 21 Jun 2012

Yesterday I managed to fix an annoying problem on my new Gallery page, on the Bible Cartoons website. On the left hand side of the page there are 2 columns of hyperlinks, that show all the Old Testament books. They are colour coded green (meaning I have drawn a cartoon in that book of the Bible) or red (meaning that I haven’t drawn any cartoons for that bible book.) There is also a similar list of hyperlinks for the books of the New Testament on the right hand side of the page.

All of the columns of links work wonderfully well in Internet Explorer but the Old Testament links didn’t work in Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Safari, etc web browsers. I just didn’t know how to fix that problem.

I looked on Google Analytics for May 2012 & discovered that between them, all of these browsers accounted for nearly 62% of all the traffic coming to my Bible Cartoons website, whilst Internet Explorer only accounted for 34%… hence my urgency to resolve the problem, after all, if viewers can’t use the hyperlinks to navigate to the cartoons, they can’t see them, & we can’t sell them!

Anyway, yesterday I was wondering what to do about the link problem. I decided to pray… always a good idea when we have a problem! I started to look at website’s & on-line advice on the subject. I started to look at my code for the page. I delved deeply into it all. Then I read something about there being different layers & order precedence about objects on the page. I re-arranged the position of some of my code

statements & viola!

Now all of my wonderful customers using Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Safari, etc can click on the links that take you to Genesis, Exodus, & other OT books & use the full awesome power of the Gallery page – WOW! It just goes to show that Jesus is not only the Lord of feelings, concepts, humanity & the soft fluffy bunnies of this world… He knows all about computers, technology & programming too! Thank you Lord for your assistance in this problem: once again you prove your Lordship over the created world.

If you have a technical issue, I urge you to give prayer to Jesus a try: it worked for me!

If you’re a Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Safari, etc browser user, please visit the Bible Cartoons gallery page & let me know if it is working for you on your PC – thanks everyone.


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