
2 new buttons on website

Posted 08 Apr 2011

I’ve added 2 new buttons to the website today: under “Search…” you will find “View ALL cartoons” & “View ALL cartoons by Bible book.” The first button takes you to a gallery of all the cartoons, without any titles. The cartoons are ordered from Genesis (in the top left) to Revelation (at the bottom of the page) You will need to use the scroll bar – as there are a lot to see”
The second button “View ALL cartoons by Bible book”, gives you the same number of cartoons, but they are grouped together in each of the 66 Bible books. As you will see, I have many books that don’t as yet have any cartoons – I certainly have my work cut of for me, even to get 1 cartoon in each of the Bible’s books! But God willing, I’ll get there in the end.


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