
1 Thessalonians goes green!

Posted 06 Nov 2015

1 Thessalonians 05 - Personal watchfulness - Scene 02 - Self-control 980x706px col.jpg />
1 Thessalonians 05 – Personal watchfulness – Scene 02 – Self-control

Follow this link to see this Bible Cartoon on the BC Gallery page, with download & purchase options:
Bible Cartoon: 1 Thessalonians 05 – Personal watchfulness – Scene 02 – Self-control

I have just completed my very first Bible Cartoon for the New Testament book 1 Thessalonians – hurray! And that means on the Search by Bible Book page, the previously red box (indicating no Bible Cartoons drawn for that book) has now turned green (indicating that a Bible Cartoons HAS been drawn for that book) – yippee!

The picture shows a contrast in behaviour between Christians & non-Christians, as outlined in the Bible text. It is a literal version of what the apostle Paul wrote to the church in Thessalonica. He was pointing out to the Thessalonian church that there should be a difference between the behaviour of a Christian, when compared to a non-Christian. In this particular case the apostle Paul explains that Christians are “of the day” & “of the light”; they should be self-controlled, & alert, particularly to the coming “Day of the Lord”, i.e. the 2nd coming of Jesus the Christ. Paul points out that things done at night by unbelievers (for example getting drunk) should not be done by Christians.

In case you are wondering what the figures in the background look like, here they are without the foreground figures present:

1 Thessalonians 05 - Personal watchfulness - Scene 02 - Self-control - Backgnd FIGs
2 Thessalonians 05 – Personal watchfulness – Scene 02 – Self-control (Backgnd Figures)


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