
1 Peter goes green, with a red devil!

Posted 08 Dec 2015

1 Peter 05 - Charged with New Responsibility - Scene 03 - Resist the Devil 980x706px col.jpg
1 Peter 05 – Charged with New Responsibility – Scene 03 – Resist the Devil

Follow this link to see this Bible Cartoon on the BC Gallery page, with download & purchase options:
Bible Cartoon: 1 Peter 05 – Charged with New Responsibility – Scene 03 – Resist the Devil

I have just completed my very first Bible Cartoon for the New Testament book of 1 Peter, having drawn a scene for 2 Peter in December last year.

The scene shows a Christian couple with hands raised, resisting the Devil, who is depicted as bat-winged red lion.

I am one step closer to making all the remaining red boxes on the BC website’s “Search by Bible Book” page turn green. A red box indicates I haven’t drawn any Bible Cartoons drawn for that book.

Now I only have 4 books of the Bible to illustrate & then I’ve done at least one Bible Cartoon for each of the 66 books of the Bible… getting closer to my year end’s goal!


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