Bible Cartoon: Matthew 14 - Jesus walks on water - Scene 02 - It’s a ghost!

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Bible Book: Matthew
Bible Book Code: 4001402501
Scene no: 2 of 6

Bible Reference & Cartoon Description

Matthew 14:25-26 (ANIV)
25 During the fourth watch of the night Jesus went out to them [his disciples], walking on the lake. 26 When the disciples saw him walking on the lake, they were terrified. “It’s a ghost,” they said, and cried out in fear.


Verse 25 identifies the time as “during the fourth watch”.
The first watch began at 6pm in the evening, and continued till 9pm; the second began at 9pm, and continued till 12pm, midnight; the third began at 12pm, midnight, and continued till 3am the next morning; and the fourth began at 3am, and continued till 6am. It was therefore between the hours of three and six in the morning that Jesus walked out on the lake to his disciples.

There is very early morning sunlight, coming from the left of the picture, which is illuminating the scene. Notice Jesus’ sleeves & hair have yellow sunlight on there edges. The yellow sunlight is also visible as a feint yellow glow in the clouds.
The lamp at the top of the mast casts a warm yellow glow on the mast, sails & disciples below.

From left to right: Judas Iscariot, (grabbing hold of the boat’s sail & scowling at Jesus), Matthew/Levi holding the mask & looking green with seasickness! You can just see Simon/Peter’s (brother of Andrew) face between the mast & boom, James (son of Zebedee & brother of John) who is rowing with a wooden oar. Next we have Thomas/Didymus (”Doubting Thomas”), John (son of Zebedee & brother of James) also rowing, & lastly Andrew (Simon/Peter’s brother), on the tiller (steering the boat.)
Jesus the Christ is walking on the lake water towards the boat & disciples.
Note: Philip is not visible in this scene, but is present on the boat.

The Sea of Galilee is also called Lake Kinneret, Lake Gennesaret, & the Sea of Tiberias or Tiberias Lake.

The expressions of the disciples give us a clue as to what they may be thinking. Most of them are looking shocked &/or scared. Judas Iscariot is scowling at Jesus, Matthew/Levi (standing next to him) is leaning forward in wide-eyed wonder, despite feeling very seasick! Thomas/Didymus (”Doubting Thomas”) is pointing a trembling finger at Jesus in wide-eyed (& mouth!) fear. Simon/Peter, James, John & Andrew are all looking open-mouthed, fearful, apprehensive, etc. No-one would ever have seen anyone walk on water before… no wonder they were amazed, terrified, & thought it was a ghost coming towards them!

A note about “the fourth watch”.
The first watch began at 6pm in the evening, and continued till 9pm; the second began at 9pm, and continued till 12pm, midnight; the third began at 12pm, midnight, and continued till 3am the next morning; and the fourth began at 3am, and continued till 6am. It was therefore between the hours of three and six in the morning that Jesus walked out on the lake to his disciples.

I decided to include the lamp at the top of the mast, to match the one in another Bible Cartoon: Mark 4 – Jesus calms a storm.